Bermuda Report 2016

Bermuda has a rich history as the world’ leading offshore jurisdictions for captive insurance. Deemed the birthplace of the first modern captive in 1962, the island has consistently remained a market-leader to his day.

Captive formations continue at a strong rate, with 22 new entities licensed in 2015 writing a diverse range of lines, from property and marine to aviation and healthcare.

Being among of the first to show interest in the region, Bermuda has also seen a surge in interest from Latin American companies while it maintains its strong appeal to US and European companies alike.

The breadth and depth of the support infrastructure on the island is extraordinary with Bermuda boasting every type of essential service provider, all of which equally boast a vast quantity of experience and knowledge.

By keeping itself in the spotlight of not only the international captive community, but also the general public with events such as America’s Cup 2017, the island certainly shows no signs of slowing down.

Bermuda 2016 cover

The contributing firms and individuals to the Captive Review Bermuda Report 2016 provide a detailed analysis of how Bermuda established itself as the world’s number one captive domicile, and more interestingly, how it plans to stay there for the foreseeable future.

Click here to read the Bermuda Report 2016

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