CR TV: Analysing Delaware’s captive market with regulator Stephen Taylor

Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he has seen in Delaware’s captive insurance market this year and last year and what are the greatest challenges facing captives, plus explains how the bureau is working with captive owners in the domicile to help them and put in place the regulations they need to succeed


Martiner to succeed Maxwell as Allianz global ART head

ART unit offering includes structured insurance, captive fronting, parametric solutions, underwriting over €2.0 billion in gross written premium...

Holmes Murphy partners with SiriusPoint on captive umbrella excess product

Product is exclusively tailored to captives managed by Holmes Murphy and its subsidiary companies   Global specialty insurer...

Marsh adds actuarial to Cayman captive advisory

Steve Papciak joins Marsh Captive Solutions in the newly created role of principal actuary. Based in Cayman he...

New captive rules making way through Arizona legislature

Arizona’s lead regulator Victoria Fimea tells Captive Review how the bill going through legislature will improve captive rules...