D&I Meets D&O | Captive Review Webinar

After the last year of turmoil and an increasing focus on the importance of campaigns like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, the corporate world is realising the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) and social responsibility. More companies are implementing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies that impact their captive programs, on everything from policy and structure design to investment choices. At the same time, premium prices in lines impacted by social inflation and soft underwriting are skyrocketing, with reported 400% increases in directors and officers (D&O) cover in the commercial market. The result is a large move towards captives, this webinar will delve into the intersecting issues surrounding the moves, detail how D&O lines can be put into a captive, and look at the further impact on captive investments.

The increasing awareness of D&I and ESG
How D&I and ESG policy impacts your risk profile and your captive
ESG investment policies and captive investments
Structuring D&O in a captive and policy considerations
Lauren Ingram, Captive Review
Anne Marie Towle, Hylant Captive Solutions
Glenn Ellis, Risk Finance & Insurance practitioner
Anjanette Fowler, Madison Scottsdale

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