Employee Benefits Report 2017

The past 12 months have witnessed a dramatic uptake of interest in employee benefits from the captive market. More and more companies are now investigating the opportunities presented by employee benefits, as well as exploring the capabilities of third parties to support them in an eventual transition.

This Captive Review Employee Benefits Report 2017 features a number of industry experts providing an insight into an evolving market. Through their experience and knowledge, we hope that this report proves to be essential reading for the year ahead. Among a host of thought provoking articles is the first by Zurich’s Rob Brown, who discusses how a captive can provide risk insights into employee benefits.


There are many drivers behind the rise of employee benefits, although, one key factor is a newfound familiarity, which is best demonstrated in the recent growth witnessed in France and Germany. Employee benefits have changed significantly since the introduction of the Affordable Healthcare Act, for example rising claim costs. Although, the concluding twist of the US presidential election brings about new questions regarding the future of the act itself.

Data is becoming imperative as networks begin to focus on how to use data flows to effectively cater to the needs of a captive. However, issues such as data anonymization continue to hinder industry progress and will require further attention.

Click here to view the Employee Benefits Report 2017

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