Enterprise Risk Captive Report 2015

Captive Review’s first Enterprise Risk Captive Report analyses the key issues surrounding the use of smaller captives.

This form of captive, primarily serving the United States’ middle market, has experienced a surge in popularity thanks in part to comprehensive reform of the US insurance regulatory system, such as the Solvency Modernization Initiative.

Captive Review hears from leading industry experts to examine these reforms and their effect on the US captive insurance industry.

We study some of the risks surrounding tax motivated formations and debunk some of the myths surrounding the use of ‘micro captives’.  This report also looks in detail at the dos and don’ts a prospective captive owner should consider when choosing service providers, as well as defining the roles and  responsibilities all top captive managers should be maintaining.

The advantages and challenges involved in the formation of a risk enterprise captives are also discussed and we hear the states of Delaware and Missouri’s take on regulatory oversight.



Click here to view the full Enterprise Risk Captive Report 2015

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