Join MAXIS Global Benefits Network’s “Employee Benefits Captives: Taking Captives to the Next Level”- November 17th

Get a first-hand perspective from a leading multinational client  on their successes of reinsuring EB programs through their captive. Register Now!

As the captive insurance market becomes more mainstream, an increasing number of multinationals are now utilizing captive solutions to reinsure their employee benefit programs.

To gain perspective on this evolving risk management approach, MAXIS Global Benefits Network (GBN), invites you to join a MAXIS webcast “Employee Benefits Captives: Taking Captives to the next level.”

12 August 2024
5-6 November 2025

Fred Driscoll joins Alliant

Leaves Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan after more than a decade to provide risk management and insurance...

New H&M captive to commence operations in late autumn

Company states the captive will work preventively around risk management and possibly lower premium levels   Swedish clothing...

Irish captive Greenval has ratings affirmed

Greenval is the captive motor insurer for Arval Service Lease S.A., a vehicle-leasing company wholly owned by BNP...

I-RE transitions platform from captive cell to standalone insurer

The underwriter formed the class 2 insurer as the next ‘evolutionary step’ in the company’s growth   The...