Latam Report 2016

On the international captive stage, Latin America is often seen as being “new” and “underdeveloped”. This conclusion is drawn in comparison to the United States and European markets.

Latin America has, however, a captive insurance industry dating back to the 1970s. After four decades of steady development, the captive industry is primed and hungry for expansion. The Captive Review Latam Report 2016 focuses on the region as an emerging powerhouse offering a host of opportunities for owners, service providers
and domiciles.

Latin America is currently served by an array of well-established captive domiciles such as Barbados, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. These destinations are receiving considerable interest from international companies from the region as their extensive expertise, innovative regulatory frameworks and ideal climates make for highly desirable captive homes.

Not only are domiciles reaping the benefits of Latin America’s significant growth, but the dynamics of regional economies are feeling the positive impact of this progress too. The region’s financial evolution has influenced businesses and companies throughout the region, with the majority seeing promising financial results.
The contributing firms to the Captive Review Latam Report 2016 provide a fascinating and valuable insight into one of the most rapidly developing markets in the world.

Click here to view the Latam Report 2016

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