Malta Insurance Report 2016

Throughout the history of the captive industry, Malta has always held a prestigious place. In recent years, it has had to struggle with copious amounts of competition from the likes of Bermuda, Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Barbados and
Cayman Islands. Yet in amongst all of this sparring and more recent doubt cast over its prominence on the captive stage due to the arrival of Solvency II, Malta has remained sturdy, we look into how.

The report explores the impact of the geographical location of Malta, how pivotal its relationship with the EU is, the importance of Malta’s Solvency II preparation and how its openly accessible regulator has effected the country’s development. Alongside the examination of Malta’s current situation are predictions of what we can expect in the near future. The ever-changing captive industry promises dynamic evolution and the ability to keep up with this pace is more significant than ever.

Contributors to this edition of Captive Review’s Malta Report offer a detailed analysis and thorough insight that can only be acquired through direct experience. The report is comprised of the thoughts of key industry players ranging from captive managers to international insurance speakers.

Click here to view the 2016 Malta Insurance Report

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