The Journey to Forming a Successful Captive | Part 1: Is a captive right for you

Captive Review and our partners are producing a comprehensive guide, walking you through the process of setting up a captive insurance vehicle.

Part one of the new Captive Review Captive Formation Guide webinar series discussing:

• Getting a captive feasibility study

• Customised insurance and reinsurance programs

• Structuring your captive – Pure, group or cell?

• What you need to know about rates, retentions and exclusions

• Loss trends and reserves

With speakers from Hylant, Vermont Captive and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions

Guernsey captive numbers drop by seven in 2024

Latest captive statistics released by the GFSC show there were 10 new captives formed in Guernsey during 2024,...

IRS wins ninth tax court case over micro-captive

Tax court finds that the Montana micro-captive of California-based Sani-Tech West Inc failed to achieve risk distribution through...

Fidelity captive has ratings outlook upgraded after improved underwriting results 

Underwriting results have been improving since 2020, after management implemented several correcting initiatives to stabilise Fidvest’s operating results...

Do US regulators have a talent retention problem?

Captive Review speaks to three captive professionals who used to work in state regulatory departments to understand why...