Vermont Report 2015

The Vermont Report 2015 examines what makes the United States’ largest onshore domicile so attractive to prospective and current captive owners.

Featuring an introduction from the Vermont Captive Insurance Association’s (VCIA) president, Rich Smith, industry experts queue up to explain regulatory changes in the jurisdiction over the past 12 months and the ‘gold standard’ of regulation.

Vermont Report 2015

Dan Towle, director of financial services at the Agency of Commerce & Community Development, State of Vermont, outlines the regulatory framework in the jurisdiction, while Dick Crnkovich, at Imperial PFS, discusses trends in premium financing.

The capital requirement changes in Vermont are explained by Katie Glover, of Johnson Lambert, and Andy Sargeant, of USA Risk, reveals what makes a successful captive.

Utilizing technology to enhance the captive’s performance is discussed by Stephen Malloy, of Advanced Enterprise Technologies, and Kane’s Ann West and Monica Everett look at the potential of cell companies.


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