Webinar: Captive Fronting Credit Risk Management in the Current Market Environment

Zurich, in collaboration with Captive Review, hosted a free webinar discussing captive fronting credit risk management in the current market environment.  You can watch again using the below video.

This program will cover:
• What are credit risk, collateral characteristics
• Zurich’s Credit Risk Methodology, reinsurance and retrocession level
• The transactional and holistic credit risk assessment
• The captive manager’s and the market view

Speakers and topics:
What are credit risk and collateral characteristics
Dr. Paul Wöhrmann, Head of Captive Services,  Commercial Insurance, Zurich Insurance Company

Zurich’s Credit Risk methodology, reinsurance and retrocession level
Domenica Ulrich, Global Head of Credit Risk Management, Commercial Insurance, Zurich Insurance Company

The transactional and holistic credit risk assessment
Santhosh Paracherry, Captive Pricing Specialist for non-life & life Captive Fronting Solutions, Member of the Executive Staff, Commercial Insurance, Zurich Insurance Company

The captive view
Xavier Groffils, Manager of Solvay’s captive Hortensia S.A. based in Luxembourg

The market view
Derek Bridgeman, Senior Vice President, International Advisory Practice Leader, Marsh Captive Solutions

Q&A / Summary
Dr. Paul Wöhrmann, Head of Captive Services, Commercial Insurance, Zurich Insurance Company

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