
Soft market sees group captive decline but SME growth

Increasing numbers of group captives are ?dying on the vine?, but the soft market presents opportunities for smaller captives (in...

Labuan on the hunt for Asian captive business

Attracting Asian captive insurance companies to its shores is one of the primary objectives of the Labuan Offshore Financial Services...

Towner’s Vermont office licenses first captives

Towner Management Group?s (TMG) recently-opened Vermont captive management office has netted its first clients,?licensing three captive vehicles in the last...

Sagicor and CaribRM attempt to spur Jamaica ‘captive market’

Two local captive service providers are attempting to stimulate a captive market in Jamaica, according to Jamaican paper the Financial...

Crouse scoops top Vermont captive award

Former Vermont deputy commissioner of captive insurance Len Crouse topped the honours as the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) presented...
12 August 2024
5-6 November 2025
Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) president Kevin Mead and senior marketing director Francis McGill discuss...
Michael Corbett, Nate Reznicek and Robert Walling explore whether additional captive manager licensing would raise...
Andrew Koegel, the European chief underwriting officer at Toyota Insurance Management, explains what anyone considering...
Kevin Poole, general manager of the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman, talks through the process...