
Fleming Re partners with BevCap for reinsurance cell

Reinsurer and legacy solutions provider Fleming Re has announced the creation of a custom reinsurance facility in partnership with BevCap...

Aon-WTW merger investigated by European Commission

The European Commission has announced they have launched an in-depth investigation into the acquisition of Willis Towers Watson by Aon....

New report puts focus on Cayman

A new Captive Review report has been released focusing on the second largest captive domicile in the world, the Cayman Islands. Featuring...

Bauknight, Pietras & Stormer appoint new partner

Captive accountancy and tax consultancy firm Bauknight, Pietras & Stormer (BPS) have announced David Ward CPA as the firm's new...

EIOPA opinion proposes changes to Solvency II

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Association (EIOPA) has published an opinion proposing multiple changes to Solvency II. EIOPA's proposed...
Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he...
In a wide ranging interview with Spring Consulting's Prabal Lakhanpal and Peter Johnson, the pair...
Fresh from winning Insurtech Solution of the Year at the Captive Review US Awards earlier...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...