
AM Best: Captives can insure against active shooter incidents

Captive insurance companies can prove the most effective tool for insuring against mass-shooting attacks, a new report has found. A...

International Re releases mid-market captive offering

International Re has launched a mid-sized captive and reinsurance offering in a bid to open up the mid-market. The London-based...

RMC launches new captive programme

RMC Group has launched a new medical stop-loss captive programme for US companies. The manager has formed a fronting and...

North Carolina licences five new captives

North Carolina has licensed five new captives so far this year, filings show. The new formations include three pure captives,...

CIC files petition against 2016-66 injunction denial

Tennessee-based captive manager CIC Services has filed a petition against an injunction imposed on it by the United States Court...
Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he...
In a wide ranging interview with Spring Consulting's Prabal Lakhanpal and Peter Johnson, the pair...
Fresh from winning Insurtech Solution of the Year at the Captive Review US Awards earlier...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...