
Delaware captives offered premium tax payment extension

Legislation making its way through Delaware’s state legislature will extend the deadline for a captive’s annual report and annual premium...

Oklahoma proposes “game changer” Part VII transfer equivalent in US

Legislators in Oklahoma have proposed a bill that would allow the novation of policies from one insurer to another, similar...

Companies outside Fortune 1000 underserved by captive market – Stephen Roseman

USA Risk Group’s new CEO, Stephen Roseman, believes America’s captive industry needs to work harder to reach the middle market...

I am in this for the long term – Karin Landry

Spring Consulting was approached by 10 different companies in the last year to discuss a potential acquisition before opting to...

Investment management coming to the fore for European captives – Kate Miller

European captives and niche insurers are expected to focus more on asset management strategies now that the first rounds of...
Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he...
In a wide ranging interview with Spring Consulting's Prabal Lakhanpal and Peter Johnson, the pair...
Fresh from winning Insurtech Solution of the Year at the Captive Review US Awards earlier...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...