
EB multinational pooling produces 6.1% average returns

The increasing trend in pooling employee benefits plans across operations is paying dividends for large multinational companies. Research from Towers...

Enhanced legislation hope for Texas

The Texas Captive Insurance Association (TxCIA) is targeting the 2015 legislative session to make alterations to the captive bill passed...

Hong Kong proceeds with captive focus

Au King-chi, Hong Kong’s permanent secretary for financial services and the treasury, has outlined the continuing priority of attracting more...

Aetna establishes captive in Connecticut

Aetna, a Connecticut healthcare insurance provider, has set up a captive in its home-state to write liability coverage for the...

Luxembourg captives not implicated in aggressive multinational tax avoidance – Rod

Victor Rod, Luxembourg’s director of the Commissariat aux Aussurances, has told Captive Review reinsurance captive insurance companies licensed in the...
Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he...
In a wide ranging interview with Spring Consulting's Prabal Lakhanpal and Peter Johnson, the pair...
Fresh from winning Insurtech Solution of the Year at the Captive Review US Awards earlier...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...