
Dominic Wheatley named new Guernsey Finance chief

Dominic Wheatley, who left Willis in July, will take over from Fiona Le Poidevin as chief executive of Guernsey Finance...

30% of Europe’s risk managers expect to establish or expand use of a captive – FERMA

The first findings from the 2014 Risk Management Benchmarking Survey, conducted by FERMA, have been released including the continent’s attitude...

Welcome to the new Captive Review website

Captive Review launched its new website on Monday morning, delivering its members an easier on the eye and easier to...

Dutch petroleum captive rated ‘Excellent’

Netherlands energy and commodities company Vitol Group has had its Bermuda-domiciled captive’s financial strength rating affirmed as ‘A’ (Excellent), by...

Quiet third quarter not dampening ILS expectations

Global brokers Willis remain bullish in the expectation insurance-linked securities (ILS) issuance for 2014 will set a new record, despite...
Director of the Delaware Bureau of Captive and Financial Products Stephen Taylor identifies trends he...
In a wide ranging interview with Spring Consulting's Prabal Lakhanpal and Peter Johnson, the pair...
Fresh from winning Insurtech Solution of the Year at the Captive Review US Awards earlier...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...