AHT Insurance launches captive practice

AHT Insurance, a US-based brokerage and consulting firm, has launched a captive practice.

AHT’s new captive specialty program will offer consulting and formation services for single parent captives, segregated cell captives, risk retention groups (RRG) and micro captives.

The firm has also partnered with Oxford Risk Management to help clients who are suited to a group captive structure.

Captive owner Mark Tabler has taken on the role of global captive practice leader at AHT, moving from the RRG Innovative Physician Solutions where he was chief operating officer.

He was also previously an executive director at Genesis Re and Multi-County Physicians Inc.

AHT president and CEO David Schaefer praised Tabler’s appointment.

“AHT’s engagement with Mark provides a substantial addition to our capabilities to deliver valuable alternatives to many of our clients’ more traditional risk transfer solutions,” Schaefer said.

“I am excited we can now provide a deeper level of consultation and design expertise in house for these vehicles.

Schaefer also said that the launch of the captive practice was due to the hardening market driving interest in captives.

“The considerable growth of our clients’ needs and numbers, along with current market conditions, are driving the need to consider superior alternatives for a variety of purposes,” he commented. “AHT is now very well positioned to meet these needs.”

Tabler said that he was looking forward to the new role and that the current market means there are more opportunities for captives.

“I look forward to assisting AHT with their new captive initiatives and providing those solutions that best suit the needs of their clients,” the captive practice lead said.

“As we move into 2021 and 2022, the uncertainty of the commercial market lends many opportunities for us to provide clients with an alternative solution for their insurance needs.”

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