European Captive Forum to return in 2022: call for papers announced

The European Captive Forum will return in 2022, bringing together captive and risk management professionals at the European Convention Centre in Luxembourg on November 9 and 10.

Over the two days 700 captive owners and service providers will once again gather for the unique event,

The European Captive Insurance and Reinsurance Owners Association (ECIROA), Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) and Captive Review are calling on the captive community to submit their papers for the event.

It is a chance for the industry to shape the agenda by sharing suggestions for topics, formats and respective speakers.

Proposals for the event and any suggestions can be submitted online by following this link: ECF’22 CFP >>

The deadline is Thursday 31 March and there is a maximum of three suggestions per organisation so please co-ordinate internally.

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