EY takes a multidisciplinary approach in addressing the alternative risk transfer market through the EY Captive Services Team. The EY Captive Services Team provides technical knowledge and industry experience, paired with a holistic portfolio of service offerings (including assurance, actuarial, risk management, tax consulting, transfer pricing and compliance
services) to help clients navigate the current environment, evaluate risk and risk financing structures, reduce expenses, maintain compliance and use capital more effectively within their organizations.
Rohan A. Small, Partner, EY Global Captive Services Co-Leader
P.O. Box 510, 62 Forum Lane, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, KY1-1106, CAYMAN ISLANDS
Email: Rohan.Small@ky.ey.com
Tel: +1 345 814 9002 / +1 345 916 7770
Paul H. Phillips III, Partner, Cenrtral & Southwest U.S. tax markets leader, EY Captive Services Global Co-Leader
155 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606
Email: Paul.Phillips@ey.com
Tel: +1 312 879 2898