Submit your nominations for the most influential professionals currently working in the captive insurance industry, along with your best captive owners and who is an up and coming one to watch
Nominations for who should be included in this year’s prestigious Captive Review Power 50 are now open and can be placed here.
For our 2025 Power 50 you can nominate up to three captive service professionals, as well as two captive owners and a single one to watch, to feature on their own separate lists. Remember, individuals in the Captive Review Hall of Fame cannot be included in these lists.
For a full list of who is in the Captive Review Hall of Fame, click here.
Criteria used to judge the final Power 50 rankings are based on their level of:
Influence – Their industry impact
Innovation – Driving change and advancement
Visibility & accessibility – Thought leadership and engagement
Skill & ability – Expertise and professional excellence
Dedication – Commitment to industry growth
When choosing your nominees please consider these five criteria carefully, and check to spell their names correctly, as nominations may otherwise be missed.
There is only one chance to submit, so please enter all of your names before the final deadline.
Voting ends 28 February 2025.
Submit your Power 50 nominations!