Reserve files reply with court

Reserve Mechanical Corp has filed a reply brief with the Tenth Circuit...

Captives under audit offered IRS settlement

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has offered 200 captives currently under audit...

CICA releases captive guidance document

The Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) has released a document advising professionals...

Capstone continues Reserve case analysis, posts third response

Capstone Associated Services has posted its third commentary in response to the...

Artex, Gallagher case could ‘taint the industry’

The class action lawsuit against a group including Artex and Arthur J...

Tax Court denies motion for reconsideration in Reserve Mechanical case

Reserve Mechanical Corp has had its motion for reconsideration denied by the...

Reserve Mechanical: Has the Tax Court Set a Moving Target for Policy Pricing?

Reserve Mechanical Corp. f.k.a. Reserve Casualty Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue...

Captive Review July Edition

Tax and legal commentators in America’s captive insurance industry are not getting...

Reserve Mechanical: Important Guidance for Risk Pools

Elizabeth A. Erickson, Kristen E. Hazel, Thomas M. Jones, of McDermott Will...

Capstone posts first extensive rebuttal to Reserve Mechanical case

Capstone Associated Services has posted the first of what it suggests will...

London reinsurance expert criticises “limited knowledge” of Reserve Mechanical judge

Oliver Schofield, managing partner at risk and insurance consultancy RISCS, has questioned...

Reserve Mechanical: Judge Kerrigan Shows “Limited Knowledge” of Reinsurance Market

London-based Oliver Schofield, managing partner at risk and insurance consultancy RISCS, is...

US Tax Court: A Pipeline of Small Captive Cases

Charles Lavelle, senior partner at Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP, provides Captive Review...

Avrahami to become go-to guide for Tax Court cases concerning small captives

In light of Judge Kathleen Kerrigan’s continued citing of Avrahami in her...

Reserve Mechanical has “stronger fact patterns than Avrahami”, but outcome “not shocking”

Tax and captive insurance professionals have provided their initial reaction to the...

Reserve opinion a disservice to captive industry – Capstone

Capstone Associated Services, Ltd has issued a robust response to the US...

US Tax Court sides with IRS in latest small captive case

A United States Tax Court judge has ruled in favour of the...
Michael Whitfield of Atlas Insurance PCC explains how, after the disruption caused by Brexit, the...
Lori Gorman of the North Carolina Department of Insurance answers Captive Review’s questions about the...
The IRS is biding its time by taking on micro-captives and will eventually refocus on...
Randy Sadler, principal at CIC Services, discusses why captive professionals should be more strongly considering...